First, how can I do to remove the space between rows as in the attached image ? Odd style is already empty
And second, how to avoid the page overflowing
First, how can I do to remove the space between rows as in the attached image ? Odd style is already empty
And second, how to avoid the page overflowing
To remove an empty space between the report's rows, remove all empty spaces at the bottom parts of your report's bands. Each band's height should be no larger than this band's content height.
To avoid cutting the report page's content, make sure that the report's content does not go outside the report's right margin. That's because all content outside the report's right margin will be cut on the current page and moved to the next page. Please refer to the Validating the Report Layout part of the Manipulating Report Controls help topic for more information regarding this.
If these suggestions do not help you to resolve the issue, feel free to share the problematic report's definition file (*.repx) or provide us with this report's source code.
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I am forwarding your question to our XtraReports team for a follow-up, because this customization is unrelated to XAF itself. Should you experience any difficulties integrating a standard solution received from our XtraReports team in an XAF app, please let us know. In the meantime, I also recommend you look for possible solutions in the XtraReports demos, code examples, online documentation and support knowledge base (https://search.devexpress.com/). That is because there are greater chances of finding ready answers than in XAF learning materials that describe pure XAF concepts.
For faster resolution on pure XtraReports questions in the future, do not hesitate to log them under the .NET | XtraReports category directly. Thanks for your cooperation.