Ticket T625346
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Master rows are collapsed when the ListChanged event with Reset is raised

created 7 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T110105: Master rows are collapsed when the ListChanged event is raised]
unfortunately its still collapsing, even with this property set to false. I'm using v17.1

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    It doesn't always work in v17.1.7 through 17.2.7.

    In your demo it does.  In most of my apps it does.  But if the master row has one and only one field, and you edit and post the changes to that field while the detail is expanded, while the detail itself remains expanded (show columns heads for the detail), all the detail records/row collapse (there are zero records displayed).

    Picture attached.

      thanks for your answers. I can't reproduce it in the example project… I modified it the example projects to reflect my situation - using grouping instead relational childs (thought that may be the difference…), and datatable as datasource.
      However in this example it wont collapse, even without set the CollapseDetailRowsOnReset to false!.. I dont exaclty know whats the difference to my project, where its collapsing… But i can use the workaround to bind the grid to a Bindingsource instead of the datatable, and use _gridBindingTable.RaiseListChangedEvents = false.


      Sasha (DevExpress Support) 7 years ago

        Hi Yannik,

        Thank you for the sample. As far as I can see, you are not using the master-detail scenario but are grouping the Grid by the "Grouping ID" column. Since the CollapseDetailRowsOnReset property is in effect only when the Grid operates in master-detail mode, the issue doesn't occur in your sample.
        In any case, I am happy to hear that you've found a workaround. If in your real project you are using groups instead of the master-detail mode, the issue may occur when the Grid's data source is refreshed. We recommend using the approach from the How to preserve the XtraGrid View state example to preserve the Grid's state in this scenario.

        I answered your question in the GridControl - Detail view's rows disappear after editing the key column in the master view thread. Please take a look at it and let me know if this information is helpful.

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