[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T581690: Visual Studio 2017 performance is slow if a complex page with numerous editors is opened on the Design view]
Actually, in VS2017, these problems occur even without the designer view. Have attached a video showing how long it takes to save an .ascx with DevExcpress controls in Source view when changing ONE character .
BTW, this is on a Quad Core (7700HQ) laptop with 32 GB och RAM and a Samsung 960 Pro SSD and performance plan set to High Performance.
(For those that can't see the attached video in SWF format, it takes about 30 seconds just to save the file).
Patrik Johansson
I reproduced the issue. We need additional time to research it. We will get back to you once we have results.
Hi Patrik,
As soon as you open the design view, it slows everything right down. Even if you close it again. The trick is to not open the design view at all :)
(Close and reopen the page if you've already opened the designer view.)
I have an old page (I've largely stopped using the DevExpress controls due to this issue) which takes nearly two minutes to render every time I make a change.
I came to the realization that DevExpress can't sort this issue out. To sort it out would require a full rewrite, from the ground up, of their controls. It's not something that they can change with the controls being rendered the way that they are. If you look at the HTML source of DevExpress controls when they're running in the browser, the code they generate is enormous.
Yes, I am compelled to agree with you that DevExpress does not know how to fix this or perhaps does not want to as WebForms is on its way out even though many still use it for various reasons. The thing is, Teleriks generated code is a quite similar and they do not seem to have the same problem.
We are also looking into replacing DevExpress with something like Telerik for the same reason, having to wait 1-2 minutes everytime you make a change just isn't acceptable in the long run. But that is of course a quite large undertaking, but if we had spent every minute we have been in "waiting mode" on this it would already be completed.
It should probably be noted that Microsoft is also to blame here, as the crappy design view is the main reason for these problems, but replacing Visual Studio is not an option currently. I know we are not the only developers thinking of giving up on DevExpress for this reason which is sad.
Patrik Johansson
I have the exact same problem. No cpu or disk load but I need to wait tens of seconds for each change/click/save. Really frustrating. I open the same solution both in VS and Rider and I try to avoid making any change in VS.
When I checked Visual Studio with Process Monitor (sysinternals) I saw when I press Ctrl+S, Visual Studio accesses Devexpress libraries thounds of times. I suggest you to see what's going on. Interestingly these operations do not create cpu or disk load.
I believe we deserve a better explanation from De vexpress.
I agree with Yusuf, we need a better explanation from DevExpress
Is this resolved yet? any answer would be better than none!
Please accept my apologies for the delayed reply.
We researched this issue several years ago but didn't find a solution then. Currently, I initialized new research. Our R&D team has re-started research of this issue and now several our engineers are working on it.
You mentioned that you 'wait tens of seconds for each change/click/save'. I reproduced the issue only when a file was being saved after the VS Designer was opened at least once. Would you please send me a sample project where the issue occurs during other actions? Feel free to create a private ticket if you'd like.
So, any news on this? Seems kind of pointless if DevExpress just pretends for year out and year in to do something about this when infact nothing is done as it seems. Please prove me wrong.
BTW, just tried to edit 3 properties in a page with DevExpress controls, took about 4 minutes, of which 98% of the time where waiting for this problem. This is on a powerful XPS15 laptop with 32 GB of RAM and a fast Samsung 960 Pro SSD. We are close to giving up on this and have started to look into way of replacing the DevExpress controls with something from another vendor…