Ticket T615246
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conditionally lookupview new button disable

created 7 years ago

screen shot attached

how can I disable new lookup view button (red circled marked) while debit amount is 0.00 (green circle marked)

additionally on click on new button debit amount should be carried/mapped to new create screen field debit amount

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 7 years ago

Hello Harvinder,

To hide the New button in this editor, create a controller for its lookup ListView and deactivate the New action in it. Here is an example of how to access the master object from this controller:

using System; using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Editors.ASPx; using MainDemo.Module.BusinessObjects; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.SystemModule; namespace MainDemo.Module.Web { public class WebViewController1 : ObjectViewController<ListView, Position> { protected override void OnActivated() { base.OnActivated(); if (Frame.Context == TemplateContext.LookupControl && Frame is NestedFrame) { ASPxLookupPropertyEditor lookupPropertyEditor = ((NestedFrame)Frame).ViewItem as ASPxLookupPropertyEditor; if (lookupPropertyEditor != null && lookupPropertyEditor.Model.ParentView.Id == "Department_Contacts_ListView") { UpdateNewActionVisibility(lookupPropertyEditor); lookupPropertyEditor.CurrentObjectChanged += lookupPropertyEditor_CurrentObjectChanged; } } } void lookupPropertyEditor_CurrentObjectChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateNewActionVisibility((ASPxLookupPropertyEditor)sender); } private void UpdateNewActionVisibility(ASPxLookupPropertyEditor lookupPropertyEditor) { Contact currentContact = lookupPropertyEditor.CurrentObject as Contact; bool addingEnabled = true; if (currentContact != null && currentContact.Department.Title == "SEO") { addingEnabled = false; } Frame.GetController<NewObjectViewController>().NewObjectAction.Active["WebViewController1"] = addingEnabled; } } }

To initialize the new object created by the New button, handle the NewObjectViewController.ObjectCreated event and access the master object in the same manner. See more information in the How to: Initialize an Object Created Using the New Action topic.

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