Ticket T606370
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How to display the Export and other ListView Actions in a popup template

created 7 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T604959: How to log Export and Print Preview Actions by the Audit Trail module]
i have controller with popupaction
where I want display audit records for current object::

private void popupWindowAuditKlienci_CustomizePopupWindowParams(object sender, CustomizePopupWindowParamsEventArgs e) { ListView lv = Application.CreateListView(Application.CreateObjectSpace(typeof(AuditDataItemPersistent)), typeof(AuditDataItemPersistent), true); GroupOperator criteria = new GroupOperator(GroupOperatorType.And); criteria.Operands.Add(new BinaryOperator("AuditedObject.TargetType", ((XPObjectSpace)ObjectSpace).Session.GetObjectType(View.CurrentObject))); criteria.Operands.Add(new BinaryOperator("AuditedObject.TargetKey", XPWeakReference.KeyToString(ObjectSpace.GetKeyValue(View.CurrentObject)))); lv.CollectionSource.Criteria["ByTargetObject"] = criteria; e.View = lv; }

…and when I run this I get list f audit entries, but I can't export this list to excel or pdf  like on standard listView

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 7 years ago (modified 4 years ago)


PopupWindowShowAction displays a View in a template that does not contain the Export and other Actions by default due to the design of Action Containers in this template: Concepts > UI Construction > Templates

The simplest solution here would be showing a regular (non-popup) window using a SimpleAction. Handle its Execute event and customize the ActionBaseEventArgs.ShowViewParameters object as required. To specify a Template context for the target Window, specify the Context property to TemplateContext.View or other. Research the Concepts > UI Construction > Views > Ways to Show a View  and related concepts for more details.

Alternatively, you can customize the default Action Containers set for the popup window using the Model Editor or WinForms designer. Refer to points 2 and 3 in the S19503 article:

To achieve the UI above, I customized the Application Model as follows (approach #3 from the reference article):

<ActionToContainerMapping> <ActionContainer Id="PopupActions"> <ActionLink ActionId="Export" IsNewNode="True" /> <ActionLink ActionId="PrintPreview" IsNewNode="True" /> </ActionContainer> </ActionToContainerMapping>

This will add these Actions in ALL popup windows, so you may want to disable them for unwanted Views (ActionBase > Active ).

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