Ticket T605656
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TreeView - How to show Tooltip for each node

created 7 years ago


I can't find a solution to my angular 2+ problem.

I have a treeview bound to flat data. Now I want to show a tooltip when hovering a node with specific data from that node (e.g. tooltip value of the flat data row) .

Any idea how I can solve this using DevExtreme?


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 7 years ago (modified 7 years ago)

Hello Sigurd,

You can find all items in the dxTreeView.onContentReady event handler and subscribe to the "mousenter" event of each item. Then, change the content of your tooltip based on the item value and specify the dxTooltip.target option before showing the tooltip. So, your code might be as follows:


<div class="form"> <dx-tooltip [target]="target" [(visible)]="isVisible"> <div *dxTemplate="let data = data of 'content'"> <span>{{tooltipContent}}</span> </div> </dx-tooltip> <dx-tree-view id="simple-treeview" [dataSource]="products" dataStructure="plain" parentIdExpr="categoryId" keyExpr="ID" displayExpr="name" (onContentReady)="onContentReady($event)" ></dx-tree-view> </div>


tooltipContent: string; target: any; isVisible: boolean = false; onContentReady(e: any) { let elements = e.component.element().querySelectorAll(".dx-treeview-item"); let that = this; elements.forEach((el, index) => { el.addEventListener("mouseenter", event => { that.tooltipContent = e.component.getDataSource().items()[index].name; that.target = event.target; that.isVisible = true; }); }); }
    Comments (2)

      Hi, that seems to work.

      How can we apply HTML coding for the content?
      E.g. 1 node could be '<h1>Title</h1><p>some text</p> ' while another node can have a different tooltip content without header but an image or so

        Got it working thx!

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