Ticket T602235
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Evaluating the New Code Rush

created 7 years ago

OK - so where evaluating the New CodeRush (we previously bought some licenses for the Classic but now we evaulating whether we should buy for the whole team.)

Organize Members :

We currently use CodeMaid to reorganize our code - it works - it puts everything in regions the way we want - there are a few issues with spacing but nothing major.

If we purchase your product we hope to load one less tool and use your "Organize Members" but when I invoke that function something happens but it is not what I want. Code elements are not moved together (a public method at the top of the file is still there and not moved to the region where all the other public methods are.)  The order of the elements does not match the order established in the "Editor\All Languages\Organize Members" and I do not see an "Editor\Visual Basic\Organize Members" section. Is this function broken?

Code Issues:

I don't see the same range of issues that CodeRush classic was able to report. (I like what I see and it is certainly much less of a resource burden.) It does seem from the documentation that the tool might be open to including 3rd party and self-authored Static Analyzers in the future. Is this true? Is there (or will there be) a defined way to add analyzers to the cataloging of Code Issues?  Also, will the analyzers available in Classic be added to the current version?

My dream issue would be the identification of "Late Binding calls" - been a while since I fiddled with Roslyn but it would seem like it should be able to identify late-binding calls. Is that possible? (Obviously, my code is a absolute mess and anything that would help clean it up would be greatly appreciated.) Just a thought.

You are really the only people who take the problems of VB developer seriously (and tho we'd all love not to be VB developers it looks like that road will be closed if we can't use a tool like yours to get over some immediate hurdles.)

Thanks, Charles C. Poston

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Charles Poston 1 7 years ago

    Sorry I was being too cryptic. What I meant is that the line number reported in the Code Issues list is 1 less than the line that contains the late bound call. For example, list shows:

    (1233,20) Warning AA0001 : The call is late bound.

    And the code is:

    1234:     If (CompToCheck.TrackName = FirstTrackFound) And (Not LimitsChangeDetected) Then

    No big thing. Haven't looked at the source to determine why. (Don't really care - the warning is more accurate and specific than my Awk code.)

    Will post new entry on "Organize Members" (if I can get to it today.)

    DevExpress Support Team 7 years ago

      Thank you for your clarification. To process the issue with an incorrect line number more efficiently, I've created a separate ticket on your behalf: Code Issues - An incorrect line number is shown for issues loaded from Visual Studio. Let's continue our discussion there.

      We appreciate your cooperation and are looking forward to your additional feedback on "Organize Members".

      DevExpress Support Team 7 years ago

        Hi Charles,

        We have added the "Insert empty lines into type declaration" option for the Organize members feature. It customizes adding empty lines before the first group and after the last one. The following hotfix contains this functionality: DevExpress.CodeRush.Roslyn-

        Please install it and let us know whether it satisfies your needs.

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