Ticket T600510
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Permission not worked in 17.2.5

created 7 years ago


I update my project to 17.2.5. but there is a permission problem .

public override void UpdateDatabaseAfterUpdateSchema() { base.UpdateDatabaseAfterUpdateSchema(); #region Add System Admin XiTong_YongHu userAdmin = ObjectSpace.FindObject<XiTong_YongHu>(new BinaryOperator("UserName", "Admin")); if (userAdmin == null) { userAdmin = ObjectSpace.CreateObject<XiTong_YongHu>(); userAdmin.UserName = "Admin"; // Set a password if the standard authentication type is used userAdmin.SetPassword(""); } // If a role with the Administrators name doesn't exist in the database, create this role XiTong_JueSe adminRole = ObjectSpace.FindObject<XiTong_JueSe>(new BinaryOperator("Name", "Administrators")); if (adminRole == null) { adminRole = ObjectSpace.CreateObject<XiTong_JueSe>(); adminRole.Name = "Administrators"; } adminRole.IsAdministrative = true; userAdmin.JueSe.Add(adminRole); #endregion #region 添加全局默认角色 string defaultRoleName = "Default Role"; //添加系统默认角色 XiTong_JueSe defaultRole = ObjectSpace.FindObject<XiTong_JueSe>(new BinaryOperator("Name", defaultRoleName)); if (defaultRole == null) { defaultRole = ObjectSpace.CreateObject<XiTong_JueSe>(); defaultRole.Name = defaultRoleName; defaultRole.AddObjectPermission<XiTong_YongHu>(SecurityOperations.Read, "[Oid] = CurrentUserId()", SecurityPermissionState.Allow); defaultRole.AddNavigationPermission(@"Application/NavigationItems/Items/Default/Items/MyDetails", SecurityPermissionState.Allow); defaultRole.AddMemberPermission<XiTong_YongHu>(SecurityOperations.Write, "ChangePasswordOnFirstLogon", "[Oid] = CurrentUserId()", SecurityPermissionState.Allow); defaultRole.AddMemberPermission<XiTong_YongHu>(SecurityOperations.Write, "StoredPassword", "[Oid] = CurrentUserId()", SecurityPermissionState.Allow); defaultRole.AddTypePermissionsRecursively<XiTong_JueSe>(SecurityOperations.Read, SecurityPermissionState.Deny); defaultRole.AddTypePermissionsRecursively<ModelDifference>(SecurityOperations.ReadWriteAccess, SecurityPermissionState.Allow); defaultRole.AddTypePermissionsRecursively<ModelDifferenceAspect>(SecurityOperations.ReadWriteAccess, SecurityPermissionState.Allow); defaultRole.AddTypePermissionsRecursively<ModelDifference>(SecurityOperations.Create, SecurityPermissionState.Allow); defaultRole.AddTypePermissionsRecursively<ModelDifferenceAspect>(SecurityOperations.Create, SecurityPermissionState.Allow); //允许查看所有用户 defaultRole.AddTypePermissionsRecursively<XiTong_YongHu>(SecurityOperations.Read, SecurityPermissionState.Allow); //允许查看部门 defaultRole.AddTypePermissionsRecursively<XiTong_ZuZhiJiaGou>(SecurityOperations.Read, SecurityPermissionState.Allow); //允许使用状态机 defaultRole.AddTypePermission<Transition>(SecurityOperations.Read, SecurityPermissionState.Allow); defaultRole.AddTypePermission<XpoStateMachine>(SecurityOperations.Read, SecurityPermissionState.Allow); defaultRole.AddTypePermission<State>(SecurityOperations.Read, SecurityPermissionState.Allow); defaultRole.AddTypePermission<XpoStateAppearance>(SecurityOperations.Read, SecurityPermissionState.Allow); //允许上传下载附件 defaultRole.AddTypePermission<FileSystemStoreObject>(SecurityOperations.Read, SecurityPermissionState.Allow); defaultRole.AddTypePermission<FileSystemStoreObject>(SecurityOperations.Create, SecurityPermissionState.Allow); defaultRole.AddObjectPermission<FileSystemStoreObject>(SecurityOperations.FullObjectAccess, "[Oid] = CurrentUserId()", SecurityPermissionState.Allow); //审批流程及审批记录 defaultRole.AddTypePermission<ShenPi>(SecurityOperations.FullAccess, SecurityPermissionState.Allow); defaultRole.AddTypePermission<ShenPi_LiuCheng>(SecurityOperations.FullAccess, SecurityPermissionState.Allow); defaultRole.AddTypePermission<ShenPi_JiLu>(SecurityOperations.FullAccess, SecurityPermissionState.Allow); //经办工作 defaultRole.AddTypePermission<XiTong_JingBanGongZuo>(SecurityOperations.FullAccess, SecurityPermissionState.Allow); } //查找当前权限下的所有数据 CriteriaOperator criteriaOperator = CriteriaOperator.Parse($"Role='{defaultRole.Oid}'"); IList<PermissionPolicyTypePermissionObject> permissionPolicyTypePermissionObjects = ObjectSpace.GetObjects<PermissionPolicyTypePermissionObject>(criteriaOperator); //实际的类名及数量 var exists = permissionPolicyTypePermissionObjects.Where(c => c.TargetType != null) .Select(c => c.TargetType.ToString()) .Distinct() .ToList(); //项目中删除的类数据库中也要删除 var deleted = permissionPolicyTypePermissionObjects.Where(c => c.TargetType == null).ToList(); if (deleted.Count > 0) ObjectSpace.Delete(deleted); //获取继承ZiDian的所有子类 var nestedZiDian = XafTypesInfo.Instance.FindTypeInfo(typeof(ZiDian)).Descendants.ToList(); //如果数据库中不存在,项目中存在,则添加到数据库 foreach (ITypeInfo typeInfo in nestedZiDian) { if (!exists.Contains(typeInfo.FullName)) defaultRole.AddTypePermissionsRecursively(typeInfo.Type, SecurityOperations.Read, SecurityPermissionState.Allow); } #endregion ObjectSpace.CommitChanges(); //This line persists created object(s). }

Every other permission works fine except DefaultRole.
If I manually add permissions in the default role to other roles, it works correctly.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 7 years ago

Hello He,

As far as I understand, you mean that permissions added for the ZiDian type's descendants are not applied. Your code works fine on my side. However, I would like to highlight the following specificities:

  1. This code does not grant access to the ZiDian type - only to its descendants. So, access to objects of the ZiDian type will not be allowed. If you want to grant access to the ZiDian type as well, call the AddTypePermissionsRecursively(typeof(ZiDian), …) method instead of iterating through descendants.
  2. This code does not grant access to navigation items of the specified types. If you did not change the SecurityStrategy.SupportNavigationPermissionsForTypes property in your project, you need to use the AddNavigationPermission method to grant access to these items. See an example in code generated by XAF.
    If this does not help, please provide a sample project where the issue can be reproduced.
    Show previous comments (1)
    DevExpress Support Team 7 years ago

      Hello He,

      I'm afraid the information you provided is not enough to reproduce this behavior. I tried to reproduce it on my side, but my attempts were unsuccessful.
      Please provide us with a small sample project demonstrating your setup and step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce this behavior.

      Anatol (DevExpress) 7 years ago

        According to your description, it appears that your project uses some specific global settings that are not used in newer projects. However, it is unclear what configuration settings cause this effect. The only security-related code that changes the default configuration in new XAF projects is the following:


        However, projects created with version 16.2 should also have this line of code, so this is unlikely related to the issue.
        Also, besides the project itself, the issue may be related to the database and persistent objects stored there. Nevertheless, we can research such issues only if you provide a sample project where they can be reproduced. We would appreciate your cooperation.

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