Ticket T589174
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Nested ListView KeyProperty 'wrong'

created 7 years ago

Hello dear supporters,

I have a problem that allways at the first try in a Webapplication the Keyproperty-Value of an nested Listview is not correctly delivered by the 'ASPXGridView' which is behind and I get an ArgumentException…

Is there any 'model' setting which i have not done?

The error occurred: Type: ArgumentException Message: Cannot convert the 'WPS5.Module.BusinessObjects.Schweisser(493)' value to the type of the 'WPS5.Module.BusinessObjects.Schweisser' key property type, error: Die Eingabezeichenfolge hat das falsche Format. Data: 0 entries Stack trace: bei DevExpress.ExpressApp.Xpo.XPObjectSpace.GetObjectKey(Type objectType, String objectKeyString) bei DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Editors.ASPx.ASPxGridViewContextMenu.SelectObject(String objectId) bei DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Editors.ASPx.ASPxGridViewContextMenu.ProcessCommand(String args) bei DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Editors.ASPx.ASPxGridViewContextMenu.DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Templates.IXafCallbackHandler.ProcessAction(String parameter) bei DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Templates.XafCallbackManager.ProcessAction(String parameter) bei DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Templates.XafCallbackManager.callbackControl_Callback(Object source, CallbackEventArgs e) bei DevExpress.Web.ASPxCallback.OnCallback(CallbackEventArgs e) bei DevExpress.Web.ASPxCallback.RaiseCallbackEvent(String eventArgument) bei DevExpress.Web.ASPxWebControl.System.Web.UI.ICallbackEventHandler.RaiseCallbackEvent(String eventArgument) InnerException is null

Can anyone give me a hint, why that happens.
And why it only happens at the first 'time'. When I press 'back' in the exceptionhandling message and do the 'Action' again, all works perfectly well.

Thank you

Show previous comments (6)
DevExpress Support Team 7 years ago

    Thank you for uploading your project. We need some time to review it. We will respond once we have any result.

    TV TV
    Thomas Vetterling 7 years ago

      I will upload a short video with the problem.
      Thank you.

      DevExpress Support Team 7 years ago

        Thank you for the additional information. I replicated the issue. We need some additional time to research it. I will get back once we have any results.

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 7 years ago (modified 7 years ago)

        Hello, Thomas.

        We researched the issue and found that the optimized processing of the default list view action is broken by a syntax error in the script produced by your WebGridLookupPropertyEditor implementation. In the WebGridLookupPropertyEditor.AddClientSideEvents method, you are using the following code:


        The GetNewObjectAddedCallbackScript method creates a script that is inserted into the outer script without escaping single quotation marks.
        You can fix the script error and the original issue as follows:

        string cbscript = GetNewObjectAddedCallbackScript(control).Replace("'", "\\'"); string subscript = ((WebApplication)application).PopupWindowManager.GetShowPopupWindowScript(newObjectWindowAction, cbscript, control.ClientID, false, true);

        I also recommend that you use the DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Utils.ClientSideEventsHelper.AssignClientHandlerSafe method to attach client side event handlers that do not overwrite scripts attached by the XAF framework.

        See also:
        Faster rendering and other performance optimizations for popular Web UI scenarios in XAF v16.1

          Comments (2)
          TV TV
          Thomas Vetterling 7 years ago

            Thank you for your hints.
            Now it works as expected.
            But I wonder why i have to use
            DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.WebApplication.OptimizationSettings.AllowFastProcessListViewRecordActions = false;as that is decreasing Performance.

            Is there any way how I can use 'custom' client event handler without settion the above property to true?

            Yours Thomas

            DevExpress Support Team 7 years ago

              We researched the issue further and found that the optimized processing of the default list view action is broken by a syntax error in the script produced by your WebGridLookupPropertyEditor implementation. In the WebGridLookupPropertyEditor.AddClientSideEvents method, you are using the following code:


              The GetNewObjectAddedCallbackScript method creates a script that is inserted into the outer script without escaping single quotation marks.
              You can fix the script error and the original issue as follows:

              string cbscript = GetNewObjectAddedCallbackScript(control).Replace("'", "\\'"); string subscript = ((WebApplication)application).PopupWindowManager.GetShowPopupWindowScript(newObjectWindowAction, cbscript, control.ClientID, false, true);

              I have updated my answer.

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