Ticket T587910
Visible to All Users

Change ClientVisible in newButton of ASPxLookupPropertyEditor

created 7 years ago

I have an ASPxLookupPropertyEditor with the new button… I need to disable it.
I can hide it but not disable it, could you help me ?

end result should be a dimmed New action on all my lk up controls on a DetailView

this is what I have:

protected override void OnViewControlsCreated()

foreach (var item in  View.Items)
                if (item is ASPxLookupPropertyEditor)
                    var fld = item as ASPxLookupPropertyEditor;
                    fld.DropDownEdit.NewButton.ClientVisible = false; //<=====HERE, how to disable and show it.

Thanks for the help.

Comments (1)
Thomas Vetterling 7 years ago

    Hello Raumnz,

    you could write a Controller for that…

    public abstract partial class DeactivateNewActionInLookupsController : ViewController { public DeactivateNewActionInLookupsController() { InitializeComponent(); RegisterActions(components); TargetViewType = ViewType.ListView; } protected abstract bool IsLookupTemplate(); protected override void OnFrameAssigned() { base.OnFrameAssigned(); Frame.TemplateChanged += Frame_TemplateChanged; } public virtual void HideNewAction(object sender) { if (IsLookupTemplate()) { bool bActive = false; if (sender is NestedFrame h) { //depending on View and Control you can determine whether the 'new' button should be visible or not if (h.ViewItem.ObjectTypeInfo.FullName == "WPS5.Module.BusinessObjects.WPSGroup") { if (h.ViewItem.Id == "Baugruppe") { bActive = true; } } var controller = Frame.GetController<NewObjectViewController>(); controller.NewObjectAction.Active.SetItemValue("LookupListView", bActive); } } private void Frame_TemplateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { HideNewAction(sender); } protected override void OnDeactivated() { base.OnDeactivated(); Frame.TemplateChanged -= Frame_TemplateChanged; } }

    This controller is abstract because the

    IsLookupTemplate() function is platform dependent. So you need also platform dependent controllers, which implement this function.


    protected override bool IsLookupTemplate() { return Frame.Template is ILookupPopupFrameTemplate; }


    protected override bool IsLookupTemplate() { var page = Frame.Template as BaseXafPage; if (page != null) return page.TemplateContent is ILookupPopupFrameTemplate; return false; }


    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 7 years ago (modified 7 years ago)

    Hello Raumnz,

    As far as I understand, you want to disable the lookup editor's New button instead of hiding it. To accomplish this task, set the EditButton.Enabled property at an appropriate moment (after XAF changes it based on the ASPxLookupDropDownEdit.AddingEnabled property). Here is an example:

    using System; using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Editors.ASPx; namespace MainDemo.Module.Web { public class DisableNewInLookupController : ViewController<DetailView> { protected override void OnActivated() { base.OnActivated(); foreach(ASPxLookupPropertyEditor lookupPropertyEditor in View.GetItems<ASPxLookupPropertyEditor>()){ lookupPropertyEditor.ControlCreated += lookupPropertyEditor_ControlCreated; } } void lookupPropertyEditor_ControlCreated(object sender, EventArgs e) { ASPxLookupDropDownEdit dropDownEdit = ((ASPxLookupPropertyEditor)sender).DropDownEdit; if (dropDownEdit != null) { dropDownEdit.PreRender += dropDownEdit_PreRender; } } void dropDownEdit_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { ASPxLookupDropDownEdit dropDownEdit = (ASPxLookupDropDownEdit)sender; dropDownEdit.PreRender -= dropDownEdit_PreRender; dropDownEdit.NewButton.Enabled = false; } protected override void OnDeactivated() { base.OnDeactivated(); foreach (ASPxLookupPropertyEditor lookupPropertyEditor in View.GetItems<ASPxLookupPropertyEditor>()) { lookupPropertyEditor.ControlCreated -= lookupPropertyEditor_ControlCreated; } } } }

    Is this what you were looking for?

      Comments (2)

        yes Anatol exactly, thanks so much Anatol, it works good.

        also, thanks to Thomas Vetterling for the controller code i will keep it in mind.

        Anatol (DevExpress) 7 years ago

          You are welcome!

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