Ticket T586150
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How to set active tab in a Web DetailView layout after executing an Action

created 7 years ago


i need a solution for activating a specific tab after an action was executed.
Currently i was trying to get the PageControl like this:

protected override void OnActivated() { base.OnActivated(); if (View is DetailView detailView) { ((WebLayoutManager)detailView.LayoutManager).PageControlCreated += OnPageControlCreated; } } ASPxPageControl pageControl; private void OnPageControlCreated(object sender, PageControlCreatedEventArgs e) { if (View is DetailView detailView && e.Model.Id == "TabbedGroup") { pageControl = e.PageControl; ((WebLayoutManager)detailView.LayoutManager).PageControlCreated -= OnPageControlCreated; } }

This works fine.

After my action i want to do this:

pageControl.ActiveTabIndex = 3;

Internally the the Index is changed, but visual there is no change.

Any solutions?

Comments (1)
Andrey K (DevExpress Support) 7 years ago


    As this question is more related to ASPxPageControl, I am passing this thread to our ASP team for the most precise answer. If you face any difficulties with integrating a solution into a XAF application, let me know.


    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 7 years ago (modified 7 years ago)


    As it turned out to be an XAF specific in the question, I will answer it by myself (I discussed it with our ASP specialists).
    To set an active page of ASPxPageControl when an action button is clicked perform the following steps.
    - access ASPxPageControl as shown in the E372: How to access a tab control in a Detail View layout thread and get it ClientID property value.
    - use the ActionBase.SetClientScript to find a client side ASPxPageControl by its id (from the step one), and call its client ASPxClientTabControlBase.SetActiveTabIndex method.

    I have attached a simple example that illustrates this approach (refer to a Contact's detail view). Try it and let me know how it works.


      Comments (2)

        Thank you very much. It works well!

        Andrey K (DevExpress Support) 7 years ago

          You are welcome!

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