Ticket T581690
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Visual Studio 2017 performance is slow if a complex page with numerous editors is opened on the Design view

created 7 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM KA18788: Visual Studio 2013, 2012, 2010 performance is very slow when a page with ASP.NET controls is opened in Designer]
So now we're up to Visual Studio 2017 and the Devexpress controls are as slow as ever when working in the Designer.

At the moment, each time I change something in the HTML code, it takes about 45 seconds for the page to "refresh" before I can work again.

My PC is an i7, 7th generation with 32GB of RAM, SSD hard drive.

I've made a little video so prospective Devexpress users can see what they are in for.

(Sorry it's in swf. I recorded it in Jing.)

Show previous comments (2)
DevExpress Support Team 7 years ago


    We need additional time to research this. Please bear with us.

      How long do you expect this to take?

      DevExpress Support Team 7 years ago


        While we don't have any ETA on this, we're working on this issue and will update this thread once we have any results.

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 7 years ago (modified 7 years ago)


        We completed our research. The cause of the issue is still the same in Visual Studio 2017. Our controls have lots of details at design time, so Visual Studio engine (which is IE-based) takes some time to render and draw each of them.

        As a solution, I suggest you move your components to separate User Controls. This way you will be able to edit them separately which will be much faster - I attached a couple of videos that demonstrate this. I also attached the modified project - the Investigations page now uses user controls. You can modify your other pages in a similar manner - it didn't take much time in case of the sample page, and I believe it will be possible to do so for other pages over time.

        Best regards,

          Show previous comments (2)


            Actually, in VS2017, these problems occur even without the designer view. Have attached a video showing how long it takes to save an .ascx with DevExcpress controls in Source view when changing ONE character .

            Patrik Johansson

              BTW, this is on a Quad Core (7700HQ) laptop with 32 GB och RAM and a Samsung 960 Pro SSD and performance plan set to High Performance.

              (For those that can't see the attached video in SWF format, it takes about 30 seconds just to save the file).

              Patrik Johansson

              DevExpress Support Team 7 years ago

                Hi Patrick,

                Please note that we avoid discussing multiple questions in one ticket as this makes it difficult to follow the conversation.
                To process your question more efficiently, I've created a separate ticket on your behalf (T624306). It has been placed in our processing queue and will be answered shortly.
                I've added this ticket to your Favorites list, so you will be automatically notified of our results.

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