Example T579967
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WinForms Scheduler - Customize the appointment flyout

This example demonstrates how to handle the following events to customize the appointment flyouts:

WinForms Scheduler - Customize the appointment flyout

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Example Code

using System; namespace CustomAppointmentFlyoutExample { class CustomAppointmentSourceObject { public DateTime StartTime { get; set; } public DateTime EndTime { get; set; } public string Subject { get; set; } public int Status { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public int Label { get; set; } public string Location { get; set; } public bool AllDay { get; set; } public int EventType { get; set; } public string RecurrenceInfo { get; set; } public string ReminderInfo { get; set; } public object OwnerId { get; set; } } }
namespace CustomAppointmentFlyoutExample { class CustomResourceSourceObject { public string Name { get; set; } public int ResID { get; set; } } }
using DevExpress.XtraScheduler; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; namespace CustomAppointmentFlyoutExample { static class DataHelper { public static Random RandomInstance = new Random(); public static List<CustomResourceSourceObject> CustomResourceCollection = new List<CustomResourceSourceObject>(); public static List<CustomAppointmentSourceObject> CustomEventList = new List<CustomAppointmentSourceObject>(); public static void InitResources(SchedulerStorage storage) { ResourceMappingInfo mappings = storage.Resources.Mappings; mappings.Id = "ResID"; mappings.Caption = "Name"; CustomResourceCollection.Add(CreateCustomResource(1, "Max Fowler", Color.PowderBlue)); CustomResourceCollection.Add(CreateCustomResource(2, "Nancy Drewmore", Color.PaleVioletRed)); CustomResourceCollection.Add(CreateCustomResource(3, "Pak Jang", Color.PeachPuff)); storage.Resources.DataSource = CustomResourceCollection; } public static CustomResourceSourceObject CreateCustomResource(int res_id, string caption, Color ResColor) { CustomResourceSourceObject cr = new CustomResourceSourceObject(); cr.ResID = res_id; cr.Name = caption; return cr; } public static void InitAppointments(SchedulerStorage storage) { AppointmentMappingInfo mappings = storage.Appointments.Mappings; mappings.Start = "StartTime"; mappings.End = "EndTime"; mappings.Subject = "Subject"; mappings.AllDay = "AllDay"; mappings.Description = "Description"; mappings.Label = "Label"; mappings.Location = "Location"; mappings.RecurrenceInfo = "RecurrenceInfo"; mappings.ReminderInfo = "ReminderInfo"; mappings.ResourceId = "OwnerId"; mappings.Status = "Status"; mappings.Type = "EventType"; GenerateEvents(CustomEventList, storage); storage.Appointments.DataSource = CustomEventList; } public static void GenerateEvents(List<CustomAppointmentSourceObject> eventList, SchedulerStorage storage) { int count = storage.Resources.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Resource resource = storage.Resources[i]; string subjPrefix = resource.Caption + "'s "; eventList.Add(CreateEvent(subjPrefix + "meeting", resource.Id, 2, 5, 14)); eventList.Add(CreateEvent(subjPrefix + "travel", resource.Id, 3, 6, 10)); eventList.Add(CreateEvent(subjPrefix + "talk", resource.Id, 0, 4, 16)); } } public static CustomAppointmentSourceObject CreateEvent(string subject, object resourceId, int status, int label, int sHour) { CustomAppointmentSourceObject apt = new CustomAppointmentSourceObject(); apt.Subject = subject; apt.OwnerId = resourceId; apt.StartTime = DateTime.Today.AddHours(RandomInstance.Next(12)); apt.EndTime = apt.StartTime.AddHours(RandomInstance.Next(4) + 1); apt.Status = status; apt.Label = label; return apt; } } }
using DevExpress.Utils.Drawing; using DevExpress.Utils.Svg; using DevExpress.XtraEditors; using DevExpress.XtraScheduler; using System; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; namespace CustomAppointmentFlyoutExample { public partial class Form1 : XtraForm { readonly FontStorage fontStorage; public Form1() { this.fontStorage = new FontStorage(); InitializeComponent(); InitializeScheduler(); } void InitializeScheduler() { DataHelper.InitResources(this.schedulerStorage1); DataHelper.InitAppointments(this.schedulerStorage1); this.schedulerControl1.Start = DateTime.Today; this.schedulerControl1.GroupType = SchedulerGroupType.Resource; #region #OptionsFlyout schedulerControl1.OptionsFlyout.SubjectAutoHeight = true; #endregion #OptionsFlyout } #region #CustomizeAppointmentFlyout void OnSchedulerControlCustomizeAppointmentFlyout(object sender, CustomizeAppointmentFlyoutEventArgs e) { e.ShowEndDate = false; e.ShowReminder = false; e.ShowLocation = true; e.SubjectAppearance.Font = fontStorage.SubjectAppearanceFont; e.Location = "N/A"; } #endregion #CustomizeAppointmentFlyout #region #CustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubject void OnSchedulerControlCustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubject(object sender, CustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubjectEventArgs e) { e.Handled = true; CustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubject(e); } void CustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubject(CustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubjectEventArgs e) { AppointmentBandDrawerViewInfoBase viewInfo = (AppointmentBandDrawerViewInfoBase)e.ObjectInfo; e.DrawBackgroundDefault(); CustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubject(e.Appointment, viewInfo); } void CustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubject(Appointment appointment, AppointmentBandDrawerViewInfoBase viewInfo) { GraphicsCache cache = viewInfo.Cache; StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat(viewInfo.View.Appearance.GetStringFormat()); stringFormat.Alignment = stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; try { // Draw status Rectangle statusRect = GetStatusBounds(viewInfo); cache.FillRectangle(viewInfo.View.Status.GetBrush(), statusRect); if (viewInfo.View.Status.Type == AppointmentStatusType.Free) { // Draw a warning cache.DrawImage(GetWarningIcon(new Size(statusRect.Height, statusRect.Height)), statusRect.Location); cache.DrawString("Status is unacceptable", fontStorage.StatusFont, Brushes.Red, statusRect, stringFormat); } // Draw subject cache.DrawString(appointment.Subject, fontStorage.SubjectFont, Brushes.Black, GetSubjectBounds(viewInfo), stringFormat); } finally { stringFormat.Dispose(); } } Rectangle GetSubjectBounds(AppointmentBandDrawerViewInfoBase viewInfo) { Rectangle bounds = viewInfo.Bounds; if (viewInfo.View.Status.Type == AppointmentStatusType.Free) { bounds.Offset(0, 10); } return bounds; } Rectangle GetStatusBounds(AppointmentBandDrawerViewInfoBase viewInfo) { Rectangle bounds = Rectangle.Inflate(viewInfo.Bounds, -1, -1); if (viewInfo.View.Status.Type == AppointmentStatusType.Free) { bounds.Height = 20; } else { bounds.Height = 5; } return bounds; } Image GetWarningIcon(Size size) { using (Stream stream = AppAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("CustomAppointmentFlyoutExample.warning.svg")) { var paletteProvider = SvgPaletteHelper.GetSvgPalette(schedulerControl1.LookAndFeel, ObjectState.Selected); return SvgBitmap.FromStream(stream).Render(size, paletteProvider); } } static readonly Assembly AppAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); #endregion #CustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubject #region #AppointmentFlyoutShowing void OnSchedulerControl1AppointmentFlyoutShowing(object sender, AppointmentFlyoutShowingEventArgs e) { e.Control = new MyFlyout(e.FlyoutData.Subject, e.FlyoutData.Start, e.FlyoutData.End); } #endregion #AppointmentFlyoutShowing private void chkBtnTooltips_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (chkBtnTooltips.Checked) { #region #AllowDisplayAppointmentFlyout schedulerControl1.OptionsCustomization.AllowDisplayAppointmentFlyout = false; schedulerControl1.OptionsView.ToolTipVisibility = ToolTipVisibility.Always; #endregion #AllowDisplayAppointmentFlyout } else { schedulerControl1.OptionsCustomization.AllowDisplayAppointmentFlyout = true; schedulerControl1.OptionsView.ToolTipVisibility = ToolTipVisibility.Never; } } private void chkBtnAppointmentFlyoutShowing_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (chkBtnAppointmentFlyoutShowing.Checked) schedulerControl1.AppointmentFlyoutShowing += OnSchedulerControl1AppointmentFlyoutShowing; else schedulerControl1.AppointmentFlyoutShowing -= OnSchedulerControl1AppointmentFlyoutShowing; } private void chkBtnCustomizeAppointmentFlyout_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (chkBtnCustomizeAppointmentFlyout.Checked) schedulerControl1.CustomizeAppointmentFlyout += OnSchedulerControlCustomizeAppointmentFlyout; else schedulerControl1.CustomizeAppointmentFlyout -= OnSchedulerControlCustomizeAppointmentFlyout; } private void chkBtnCustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubject_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (chkBtnCustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubject.Checked) schedulerControl1.CustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubject += OnSchedulerControlCustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubject; else schedulerControl1.CustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubject -= OnSchedulerControlCustomDrawAppointmentFlyoutSubject; } } public class FontStorage : IDisposable { readonly Font subjectFont; readonly Font statusFont; readonly Font subjectAppearanceFont; public FontStorage() { this.subjectFont = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); this.statusFont = new Font("Tahoma", 8, FontStyle.Bold); this.subjectAppearanceFont = new Font("Arial", 24); } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { SubjectFont.Dispose(); StatusFont.Dispose(); SubjectAppearanceFont.Dispose(); } } public Font SubjectFont { get { return subjectFont; } } public Font StatusFont { get { return statusFont; } } public Font SubjectAppearanceFont { get { return subjectAppearanceFont; } } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using DevExpress.XtraEditors; namespace CustomAppointmentFlyoutExample { public partial class MyFlyout : XtraUserControl { public MyFlyout() { InitializeComponent(); } public MyFlyout(string subject, DateTime start, DateTime end) { InitializeComponent(); this.labelControl1.Text = subject; this.labelControl2.Text = start.ToString(); this.labelControl3.Text = end.ToString(); } } }

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