Ticket T572192
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XAF Web - Group Actions

created 7 years ago

Hello! I'm trying to group two actions into my XAF Web application without luck. I already red the documentation but still isnt clear enough for me (https://documentation.devexpress.com/eXpressAppFramework/113460/Task-Based-Help/Templates/How-to-Customize-an-ASP-NET-Template)

Are there any way to have a step-by-step document where you show how to group two actions under an action group? If necessary I can provide you a simple project…

Best regards,


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 7 years ago

Hello Daniel,

To achieve the required result in the New Web UI Theme, customize a template by adding a custom WebActionContainer and setting its IsDropDown property to true.

<cc2:WebActionContainer DefaultItemCaption="Actions" ContainerId="MyMenuWithLabel" IsDropDown="true" />

Associate required actions with the container's Id using the ActionBase.Category property.

    Comments (2)
    D D
    Daniel Raúl Vanzo 7 years ago

      Sorry, I forget to tell you I'm using a Classic theme… Its the same? By the way, I'm not fluent about Html, so, this WebActionContainer… it is ok to add to the end of the file or it has to be added to an specific place?


      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 7 years ago

        Hello Daniel,

        >>Sorry, I forget to tell you I'm using a Classic theme… Its the same?
        Yes, the same concept is used there.

        >>so, this WebActionContainer… it is ok to add to the end of the file or it has to be added to an specific place?
        You can add this element to the place where you really need it on your page. This markup represents a form template that inserts various UI elements on creating a real web page at runtime. Action Containers are used to map Actions. Different Action Containers are used to group various Actions, e.g. Save, SaveAndNew, SaveAndClose. The Action Container and Action are linked via the ContainerId and Category properties respectively. Refer to the Concepts > UI Construction > Action Containers article for more details on this concept.

        >>By the way, I'm not fluent about Html
        Creating custom UI elements like list and property editors, customizing form templates as well as implementing very custom or complex UIs requires ASP.NET WebForms, HTML5/JavaScript/CSS knowledge and knowledge of the visual controls you are going to manipulate. So, please consult with the corresponding ASP.NET and DevExpress documentation beforehand, like when developing a non-XAF application. Without these important prerequisites, accomplishing these requirements will not be possible or effective regardless whether you are using XAF or not.
        If you do not want to study and implement these advanced concepts, it is possible that you can rethink your business requirements or consider simpler options. For instance, you can achieve a similar look and feel by using SingleChoiceAction and making sub-items.

        Let us know if you experience any specific DevExpress-related implementation difficulties.

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