Ticket T571463
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VS locks up on one program after Ver 17.1 install

created 7 years ago

I installed DevEx Ver 17.1.6 yesterday and have been converting and recompiling my programs. All has gone smooth except for one program. Visual Studio locks up when the program loads then goes into a loop where it shuts now and restarts (locking up when it restarts of course). There is a message below the toolbar that says "UseStringFormatCodeFix encountered an error and has been disabled". Then two buttons "Enable" and "Enable and ignore future errors" (see attached image). Can't click either button because VS is locked up. The only delta with this program has been the installation of the new DevEx. There is no sub routine or reference to "UseStringFormatCodeFix" in the program so I was hoping you could shed some light on this. Looks like maybe something from Code Rush? I will also admit that I installed what someone else had downloaded for us without paying too much attention and the Code Rush version is 17.1.8 (the DevEx is Ver 17.1.6). I've restored several back ups converted them and get the same result. Other programs still load, compile and run fine. Any ideas?

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DevExpress Support Team 7 years ago

    Mark, did you have the opportunity to try this build? Does it fix the problem on your machine as well?

      So far so good Dmitry. If I do see this happening again I will comment on this ticket.

      DevExpress Support Team 7 years ago

        OK, thank you for letting us know.

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