Ticket T567022
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Formatting - Add a 'Wrap if long' option

created 7 years ago

Many of the Wrapping options need a "Wrap if Long" option in addition to "Wrap if Long of Multi-line". I don't want a method call going from one line that's too long to one extra line per parameter. I don't want a method signature doing the same. There are times I just want a line wrapped if it's too long, and otherwise leave it alone.

Comments (1)
Alex Eg (DevExpress) 7 years ago

    Hi Jason,
    Thank you for your feedback. We will improve our formatting engine to support the requested functionality. We will update this ticket when it is implemented.

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 7 years ago

    Hello Jason,
    We have just released our latest 17.2.6 update. And we are happy to inform you that in this update we implemented the Simple Wrap option. Our formatting engine can now format code according to your initial request.
    The build is already available in the Visual Studio Marketplace.
    You are welcome to try it and let us know if you need any further assistance.

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