Bug Report T564933
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Visual Studio slows down on text editing and changing the clipboard when a code analysis session is active

created 7 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T562938: Performance and memory usage issue on a large solution]
Another thing that tends to make CodeRush exhibit the behaviour previously described, is when the clipboards changed, or you are copying and pasting items.

I've also noticed, that when a task crashes out, from say an InvalidCastException, this could also make the CPU + Memory Usage become unstable.

Attached is a log file, in case these crashes may not have yet been reported to you.

In addition to this, if during an analysis session, you start making changes, or alter the clipboard, it appears to "stall" the process.

Show previous comments (1)

    No problem Alexander, glad your team was able to find the problematic code in this case.

    DevExpress Support Team 7 years ago

      Hi Mark,

      Thank you for your patience. We have prepared a build in which the issue with the InvalidCastException is fixed: DevExpress.CodeRush.Roslyn- Please install it and let us know whether it affects on the issue with slowdown during text editing.

        Okay Alexander, I am now installing this build and will let you know of my findings.

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