Ticket T549384
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How to implement cascading drop-down editors in dxForm

How to implement cascaded editors in the Popup Edit Form

created 8 years ago

when we have a dx-popup which has a dx-form as content , I have some drop-down boxes ,
I need to perform cascading for these drop-down boxes.
thank you

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 8 years ago

Hello Saeedeh,

Please refer to the following thread to learn how to implement this task:

T334359: dxDataGrid - How to implement cascading lookup columns

See the Plunker example which illustrates this scenario in Angular.

    Show previous comments (11)
    DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

      Hi Saeedeh,

      The solution is independent from an editing mode you are using. The same logic works with the popup editing mode. Would you clarify what problem you've faced with this approach?

        In code in  dxDataGrid - How to implement cascading lookup columns,
        you are using rowdata   and value which I have no access to them in table?
        Idon't get it well,
        Any way I implement it by not using editing popup mode for table,
        I used dx-form in dx-popup .

        DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

          It's great to hear that you resolved the issue using a separate popup with dxForm. See also the CodePen sample that illustrates how the approach from the dxDataGrid - How to implement cascading lookup columns example works when the default popup edit form is used.

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