Ticket T548971
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How to update the OptimisticLockField only when persistent properties are changed

created 8 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T150240: Security: Persist changed properties only when saving a changed business object record]
the OptimisticLockField seems to be updated many times even if no other properties on the table have changed.

is there a way to change the behavior to only update that field if a property has changed?

Show previous comments (4)

    I think calling Save might be it, I'll Review the code and let you know.

      ok, that was some older code.

      if contact.Phone == phone, would the object be marked as modified?

      public static void UpdateContact(IObjectSpace os, string name,string phone) { Person contact = os.GetObjectsQuery<Person>(true) .SingleOrDefault(p => p.FirstName == name) ?? os.CreateObject<Person>(); contact.Phone = phone; os.CommitChanges(); }
      DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

        Since this code modifies the Phone property of the "contact" (Person) object, the object is marked as modified (if its properties are implemetned accordign to the Unit of Work article).

        Let me know if you need any additional assistance.

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