Ticket T545311
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types jquery index.d.ts error

created 7 years ago


I get the error below while compiling when I try and use the DxDateBoxModule in my Angular 2 app. I noticed that your devextreme-angular causes the jquery types to be installed.

node_modules/@types/jquery/index.d.ts (41,46): ',' expected.

I added devextreme (17.1.5) and devextreme-angular (17.1.5) using npm and imported the module into the app.module.ts. As soon as I import the DxDateBoxModule the compile fails with many errors starting with the line mentioned above.

In an attempt to solve the problem I upgraded NodeJS, Angular, TypeScript and Gulp, but it had n affect.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 7 years ago

Hi Stephan,

This issue relates to your TypeScript version. The jQuery TypeScript definition of version 3.2+ requires TypeScript of version 2.3+. Make sure that you are using TypeScript of version 2.3+. Or, downgrade the jQuery TypeScript definition to version 2.0. See the Build error with latest @types/jquery version - 3.2.0 GitHub issue that describes this.

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