I have a user control to display list from which user allow to select row. It works fine with mouse button. but user also want keyboard support too for selection. So I add KeyboardSupport="true" in design time.
As per search article in devexpress I found that it only use Shift+Up/Down arrow key to change row selection. If I use only up/Down arrow key to change row selection then it only change focus to next row. So I added "Note" to use shift+Up/Down arrow key below gridview.
It also works fin e if I select next row of previously selected row. But when I use Shift+Up arrow key to selected row above previously selected row then it not works properly.
It shows Previously selected row as focus row even if I use Shift key and show two focus row.
Please watch video available in below link to understand my problem.
Please tell me what is exact problem and its solution.
I have also attached sample code for reference below.
Hello Rupesh,
I reproduced this behavior using our Keyboard Support demo (I opened it locally and set the AllowSelectSingleRowOnly property to true). I will forward this information to our developers and they will research this behavior. As soon as we have any results, we will update this ticket.