Ticket T532233
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Displaying only one action from an action category in a detail view

created 8 years ago


I'm wondering what is the best way to add only one (or a subset of) action(s) from an action category to a detail view?

Say for example that I have a custom action under the Edit category. I want the action to be shown in the ribbon for all views but for some detail views, I want to have the action in in the view itself. However, I do not want to see any other action from the "Edit" category in the detail view. (I still want them in the ribbon so I cannot just add them to the hidden actions list).

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 8 years ago (modified 8 years ago)

Hello Hans,

You can hide unnecessary actions from an ActionContainerViewItem using the ActionControlsSiteController.CustomizeContainerActions and FillActionContainersController.CustomizeContainerActions events. Here is an example:

using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Actions; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.SystemModule; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Editors; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace MainDemo.Module.Win { public class ActionLocationController : Controller { protected override void OnActivated() { base.OnActivated(); Frame.GetController<ActionControlsSiteController>().CustomizeContainerActions += ActionLocationController_CustomizeContainerActions; Frame.GetController<FillActionContainersController>().CustomizeContainerActions += ActionLocationController_CustomizeContainerActions; } void ActionLocationController_CustomizeContainerActions(object sender, DevExpress.ExpressApp.SystemModule.CustomizeContainerActionsEventArgs e) { if (e.Category == "Edit" && e.Container is ActionContainerViewItem) { List<ActionBase> actionsToRemove = e.ContainerActions.Where(a => a.Id != "Action1").ToList(); foreach (ActionBase action in actionsToRemove) { e.ContainerActions.Remove(action); } } } protected override void OnDeactivated() { base.OnDeactivated(); Frame.GetController<ActionControlsSiteController>().CustomizeContainerActions -= ActionLocationController_CustomizeContainerActions; Frame.GetController<FillActionContainersController>().CustomizeContainerActions -= ActionLocationController_CustomizeContainerActions; } } }

Refer to the ActionControlsSiteController.CustomizeContainerActions Event topic for additional information.

    Comments (1)

      Ok, thanks Anatol. I had hoped there was a "model editor" way of doing it, but this works as well.

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