Ticket T527956
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Grid - How to activate a read-only HyperLink

created 8 years ago

[FROM How to make a read-only Hyper link column launch a web browser when a link is clicked]

Do you know if the article is relevant at the moment?
And is this the only way to open a link if the view is not in edit mode?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 8 years ago

Hello Andrey,
Yes, this article is relevant.
Another option to open a link without additional actions is to set the ColumnViewOptionsBehavior.ReadOnlyproperty to "true". In read-only mode, cell editors can be invoked. However, end-users can only select and copy an editor's content. Note: if you want to open the link with a single click, make sure that the RepositoryItemHyperLinkEdit.SingleClick property is enabled.
I hope this information will be helpful to you. If you have additional questions, just let us know.

    Other Answers

    created 4 years ago (modified 4 years ago)

    I know this is an old post, but I had difficulty getting readonly hyperlinks (in my case for email) to work. The issue turned out to be the fact that I had set the view's OptionsSelection.EnableAppearanceFocusedCell to False. Even with everything else, the _OpenLink event would not fire unless this setting was set to True.

    Here are the steps I performed to get the hyperlink to work with a single click of the cell in a gridview meant to be readonly.

    1. Add hyperlinkedit editor to the column and set SingleClick to true
    2. Add the _OpenLink event to the code behind and insert logic to process hyperlink. (This works for email addresses)
    if (e.EditValue == null) return; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.EditValue.ToString())) { string prefix = "mailto:"; if (!e.EditValue.ToString().ToLower().StartsWith(prefix)) { e.EditValue = prefix + e.EditValue.ToString(); } }
    1. Set all other columns' OptionsColumn.AllowEdit = False except for the email column which remains True
    2. Set view OptionsBehavior.Editable = True
    3. Set view OptionsSelection.EnableAppearanceFocusedCell = True

    This will allow single-click processing of the hyperlink while maintaining a read-only status for everything else.

    I hope this is helpful.

      Comments (1)
      Sasha (DevExpress Support) 4 years ago


        Thank you for sharing your solution. I believe it may be helpful for other users.

        If you require any assistance, please let us know. We will be happy to be of help.

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