Ticket T523405
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Code Cleanup - 'Remove redundant type qualifier' rule doesn't work in some cases

created 8 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T523216: Coderush cleanup taking ages - or hung?]
It's very strange that it's the same "Appearance" problem as before which was fixed back in 16.2.4. After splitting the code into two files I can easily put:

Infragistics.Win.Appearance a = new Infragistics.Win.Appearance();

in the code and clean up works changing it to

var a = new Infragistics.Win.Appearance();

and keeping the namespace in place (even with using at the top). Clean up works on the designer code as well.

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DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

    Thank you for the clarification.

    We have corrected the "Remove redundant type qualifiers" rule in the context of your initial ticket. These changes are included in the 17.1.5 version. So, Code Cleanup doesn't hang on this file after update and processes it correctly.

    As for the ways to call Code Cleanup, the icon on the toolbar and the item in the Visual Studio menu work identically. Currently, CodeRush doesn't support notifications about issues on applying Code Cleanup if it was called using these ways. We have plans to implement notifications for these cases in the nearest releases. Now, I suggest you call Code Cleanup from the light bulb menu as it is shown in the screencast attached to this comment. This way supports usage of Visual Studio's notification bar.

    AM AM
    Alan Middleton999 8 years ago


      I've uninstalled 17.1.5, and reinstalled the previous version I had -

      Opened the code and cleaned up the cs file.

      1. Dropdown menu - FAILED - with the MS VS Error as before.
      2. Toolbar - Same as #1
      3. Lightbulb - Woop - Yellow notification bar on the error !!!

      Glad we've finally got to the bottom of this, must have been a headache for you trying to find the issue - apologies I wasn't aware of the calling of cleanup might have been the reason. I'll try and remember in future and test all 3 ways.

      Great news that 17.1.5 fixes the cleanup though - Now time to update to latest version again :)

      DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

        Thank you for informing us. We are happy to hear that calling Code Cleanup from the light bulb menu works as expected on your side.

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