Ticket T501533
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GridView - How to hide the detail view's tab header, group panel and column headers

created 8 years ago


I wonder how I can achieve a hierarchy like this knowing that not all groups have sub-groups

- Level1
    Item1 directly under Level1 dont necessarily having sub items
    +Item3 having sub item
        Item3 subitem1
        item3 subitem2

I tried using simple DXGrid column grouping but it does not have the desired effect. It would be fine if all items had the same number of sublevels but it is not the case in my scenario

Data is coming from a dataset and already have the necessary columns defining parent and child.

Maybe a master detail grid would be more appropriate ? I never used this feature of a DXGrid.
Do you have a sample code example demonstrating a simple master/detail ?

Comments (3)

    I found an old sample created for me 10 years ago (gosh did not even remember that)

    I can follow that except that my my scenario all sub levels are derived from the same table so all lsublevels have the same columns.

    See the printscreen.

    I dont need the header and the group header to show

      Maybe use the XTraTreeList

      How similar this control is to the DXGrid ?
      I have years of  code arround the DX Grid.
      Grouping, footer, sum

      Can an XTraGrid have footers and sum s ? If not then it is not my solution.

      DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

        To answer these questions, I've created separate tickets in order not to mix different issues in one thread and avoid possible misunderstanding. Please refer to them for further discussion.
        Can TreeList display summaries?
        What is the difference between TreeList and GridControl?

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 8 years ago

        Thank you for the screenshots.
        To hide column headers along with the group panel, you can set GridView.OptionsView.ShowColumnHeaders  and  GridView.OptionsView.ShowGroupPanelto  properties of the detail pattern view to false.
        To hide the tab header which displays the level name, set the master view's GridView.OptionsDetail.ShowDetailTabs  property to false.
        I've also created a sample project to demonstrate how this works.
        Please test the project and let me know your results.

          Comments (2)

            My table is a self referencing table so columns of all levels are the same.
            I dont need the headers to repeat has you showed. That's fine.
            But I need all columns of all levels to aligned as in an XtraTreeView.
            I need the XTraView and not an XTraTree because I need footer and sums and I have hudred of hours of coding arrounf the DXGridView.

            DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

              Thank you for the clarification.
              To avoid any misunderstanding, let's continue discussion of this question in the How to align the detail view's columns under the master view's columns ticket.

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