Ticket T489943
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dxPivotGrid - Export of chart for IE9 not working

created 8 years ago


We are trying to implement export to PNG in IE9.

As you guys mentioned we implemented export handler in our MVC project and given settings as per your documentation. but still we are not able to export in IE9. Even tried debugging debug js but couldnt fix the issue.

getting console error as "atob undefined" (because atob is for the version above ie10)

below is our chart configuration

"export": {
                    enabled: true,
                    proxyUrl: "ExportHandler.axd",
                    fileName: "PivotGrid"

Let me know if you have any question.


Comments (1)
Alessandro (DevExpress Support) 8 years ago


    Please check this issue by using the sample provided in the T314056: dxDataGrid - How to implement server-side proxy for export ticket. Does the export operation work correctly? If so, the issue seems to be specific to your implementation. In this scenario, we need a self-contained sample from your side for further research. Thank you for your time and cooperation in advance.

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