I'm trying to use de adaptative and responsive settings of the ASPxGridView, but I need some help, please.
My grid have lots of columns, the user can choose which of them are visible and in which order, next time the user gets to this page, the columns are changed accordingly to the user's settings , on the grid's Init event. It works perfectly well.
Some of the columns have fixed width, others don't, this also works well as expected.
But after adding AdaptivityMode="HideDataCells" on the grid and the AdaptivePriority on the columns, the behavior works almost as expected.
If the user have the first columns ordered with fixed width, when viewing the grid in a small viewport, the columns are not hidden as expected. I imagine this behavior is by design.
So, I guess my question is, how can I get the first visible column after the selection column and reset it's width at runtime, so it's not fixed and the adaptative layout works as expected?
The attached images demonstrate the issue.
Hello Bruno,
I've created a sample project based on your description, but didn't reproduce the issue (see the attached video). Would you please modify my sample or provide me with your own showing the issue, so I can debug it on my side? I'll do my best to find a precise solution for you.
If tou add these settings to your example, it will behave as I said:
<SettingsLoadingPanel Mode="Disabled" /> <SettingsAdaptivity AdaptivityMode="HideDataCells" HideDataCellsAtWindowInnerWidth="1000" AllowOnlyOneAdaptiveDetailExpanded="true"></SettingsAdaptivity> <Settings ShowFilterRow="True" ShowGroupPanel="false" ShowVerticalScrollBar="true" VerticalScrollableHeight="200" /> <SettingsBehavior AllowFocusedRow="true" /> <SettingsCustomizationWindow Enabled="True" PopupHorizontalAlign="WindowCenter" PopupVerticalAlign="WindowCenter" Width="320px" Height="300px" /> <SettingsPager AlwaysShowPager="false" PageSize="35" Mode="ShowPager" />
After adding the same settings in your example and removing one by one, I've found out it is because of these settings:
ShowVerticalScrollBar="true" VerticalScrollableHeight="200"
Hello Bruno,
Thank you for the clarification. I managed to reproduce the issue and forwarded it to our R&D team for further research. We will inform you once we have any results. As a temporary workaround, I suggest you currently remove the vertical scrollbar to resolve the issue.
Hi Lex, thanks for your reply.
But I can't remove the vertical scrollbar, I'm using the approach described in the example:
So my grid shows with full height at the browser.
Hello Bruno,
I'm working on the workaround for the issue, but I need additional time to find a precise solution for you. I appreciate your patience.
Hello Lex,
Any news on this issue?