I am adding a gauge widget to asp.net dashboard. Is it possible to configure it to show different needle colors based on data or display colored ranges in the gauge? Sample attached.
I am adding a gauge widget to asp.net dashboard. Is it possible to configure it to show different needle colors based on data or display colored ranges in the gauge? Sample attached.
Hi Aditi,
While at present, gauge elements cannot be customized in the Dashboard Designer, it is possible to access the gauge widget used to represent the Gauge Dashboard Item and modify the gauge layout and appearance settings at runtime (see the ASPxClientDashboardViewer.ItemWidgetCreated event). Please refer to the sample code example from the Web Gauge Item - Add custom range bars and set custom min and max values ticket that illustrates how to configure range elements. You can also configure the Value Indicator element color as shown in the attached sample project. Let us know how it works for you.
As i was trying to implement the above solution, to customize gauge background color, there was a delay in applying color. Initially the gauge loads in default gray color, and after few seconds, the custom color in the clientside event is applied. Is there any other option to avoid that delay?
Custom styles are applied with a delay because dashboard items are rendered asynchronously and the ItemWidgetCreated event is fired after all dashboard items are rendered.
Use the onItemWidgetOptionsPrepared event handler to apply custom styles to Gauge dashboard items. Please refer to the following example that illustrates this approach and let us know how it works for you: Dashboard for Web Forms - How to apply animation to Chart items.
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