[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T296935: Numbering format is reset after a document is exported to the html format]
Unfortunately, I'm facing this issue again in With the document attached to my original message (https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Attachment/GetAttachmentFile/5e9dbe20-6b9b-11e5-80bf-00155d62480c), unordered lists are converted to ul, but the "start" attribute is erroneously applied to them (there is no "start" attribute for ul tags).
What's worse, I still get ol tags with start="0" when converting the attached document to HTML (this only happens for DOC, not for the same document saved as DOCX). Since my current code removes all styles from li elements to provide more clean markup, due to this issue I get numbered lists converted to ordered lists starting with zero.
Hello Nickolay,
As far as I can see, the <ol> tag supports the "start" attribute in HTML 5, so this is not the issue. This is described in the http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_ol.asp and https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/ol#Attributes articles. As for this attribute for the <ul> tag, this looks incorrect. I have forwarded this ticket to our developers for further research.
Sorry, I did not explain properly. Here is a fixed version of the second issue description
I still get ol tags with start="0" for bulleted lists when converting the attached document to HTML (this only happens for DOC, not for the same document saved as DOCX). Since my current code removes all styles from li elements to provide cleaner markup, due to this issue I get bulleted lists converted to ordered lists starting with zero.
So, there are two different issues here - ul tags having the start attribute added to them and bulleted lists in DOC files got converted to <ol start="0"> tags, which is a more serious issue as I'm removing all styles in some situations and therefore require 100% semantically correct markup, not just the "use ol, then fix the bullets for each item with styles" fix currently adopted in DocServer.
Thank you for the clarification, Nickolay. I have created a separate ticket regarding the issue with the <ol> tags - Bulleted lists are converted to the <ol start="0"> tags when a document is exported to HTML