how to limit my print to half a4 sheet ???
How to limit XtraReport printing paper size to half a4 sheet
Answers approved by DevExpress Support
Hi Ajay,
Thank you for the clarification. To accomplish your task, use the report's PaperKind property. For example, set it to Custom and then use the PageWidth and PageHeight properties to specify desired paper size for your report.
XtraReport supports a special property for units of measurement: ReportUnit
Refer to the following article: Report units of measurement
The PageWidth and PageHeight properties will be measured according to the value of the ReportUnit property:
Best regards,
Hello Ajay,
Would you please clarify which control is printed in your application, is it GridControl or you are using the XtraReports Suite? Besides, clarify the scenario you are trying to implement in greater detail, so I'll be able to recommend the most suitable approach.
I look forward to hearing from you.
XtraReports Suite