Ticket T452353
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Is there a way to disable the automatic update of CRR?

created 8 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T451808: Coderush Runner can't find the framework]
I do not have the "Automatic Updates" checked under "Extensions and Updates" in Visual Studio. But after starting my computer it updated to 16.1.9.

Comments (3)
DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

    Hi Tobias,

    CodeRush for Roslyn uses the default Visual Studio mechanism for updates, so the unchecked "Automatic Updates" check box under the "Extensions and Updates" section should be enough.
    In Visual Studio, go to "Tools" | "Extensions and Updates", select CodeRush for Roslyn and check the state of the "Automatically update this extension" check box on the right side of the screen.
    Note, if you have globally disabled automatic updates for all extensions, there won't be any check boxes - only a yellow box with the text of the proposal to enable the extensions update globally.
    Check it out and let me know your results.


      I had "Automatic update" disabled, but it still updated to 16.1.9.

      AE AE
      Alex Eg (DevExpress) 8 years ago

        Please check to see if the "Automatic Updates" check box is actually unchecked - when the extension is uninstalled and then installed again manually, it's necessary to set this flag once more. Also, you can disable automatic updates for all extensions on the VS Tool\Options\Extensions and Updates options page.

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