Ticket T448870
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Disappearing group row text when navigating between tab pages

created 8 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM A1041: How to align summary values displayed in a group row to the corresponding columns]

Was the issue with the disappearing group label when changing Tabs solved?

I cannot see the question regarding to Q378956 as it was not made public if the issue was resolved here.

Many Thanks Tom

Comments (3)
DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

    Hi Thomas,

    In fact, we didn't manage to replicate the mentioned issue in that thread. Could you please provide us with a sample project demonstrating the issue you are experiencing? This will help us find a solution for you. I look forward to your response.


      The source code is the same as in the original case (TestSummary.zip) .

      I have just rebuild it on my PC.

      The process to the issue is.

      1. Click barButtonItem1, populates the data for displaying in the grid, result is Image1
      2. Click xtraTabPage2 group header is draw as expected, result is Image2
      3. Click xtraTabPage1 then xtraTabPage2. Note that the group label "View:FirstView1" has disappeared,  result is Image3 .
      4. Click on the xtraGrid will redraw the label.

      After getting the label to redisplay on step 4 you should be able to go to xtraTabPage1 and back to xtraTabPage2 without the label disappearing but doing it again will make it disappear.



        I have been playing with application and it seems that the label does not just disappear it is drawn on the far right of the group row but as the columns do not reach the end of the screen you cannot see it.

        Stretch the band in the lower grid to reach the right edge of the window and you will see the label draw when switching tabs


        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 8 years ago (modified 8 years ago)


        I have reproduced this shortcoming. It is caused by setting the e.Appearance.TextOptions.HAlignment property to Far in the DrawSummaryValues method. Please comment out this code line.
        However, it is unclear why you use the custom solution rather than a built-in functionality. We have the GridView.OptionsBehavior.AlignGroupSummaryInGroupRow property to align group summaries in a group row. Did you try this option? If so, please clarify why it is not useful.

          Comments (2)


            Thanks for the prompt reply, your solution has sorted the display of the label.

            I understand that there is a property, GridView.OptionsBehavior.AlignGroupSummaryInGroupRow, that would easily provide the desired functionality but unfortunately my code is for a legacy application that is based on an older version of the xtraGrid.


            DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

              OK. I understand your point. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

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