Bug Report T443163
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'Declare local' refactoring should request a list of constructors

created 8 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T442924: 'Declare local' refactoring does not new-up the object]
I seem to recall that CodeRush Classic instantiated objects/lists when using the 'Declare local' refactoring. With Coderush for Roslyn, declared objects are cast to a type, but are left null.  I then have to go back and change the code to new up the object.  Coderush has this behavior even when there is only a default constructor.  For cases when there are multiple constructors, even if I had to pick the constructor (for something like List), doing so would save a lot of typing.


var items = (List<string>)null; MyMethod(items);
Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

    I have reproduced the problem on my side.
    We will try to fix the issue as soon as possible.
    Once we resolve the problem, we will let you know.

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