Bug Report T442508
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"Jump to symbol" - Use active file symbols when filtering by an active file is applied

created 8 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T441953: "Jump to symbol" is slow when a local file is used]
[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T441666: Issues with CodeRush for Roslyn]
I have the following issues / questions / requests.  Sorry if they've already been asked; it's basically impossible to determine what keywords to search by.

* "Jump to symbol" (using local file only) is at least 10X slower than classic.  Must be processing entire solution (huge) even though I have set it to include only items in the current file.


Comments (2)
DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago


    We will work on improving the "Jump to Symbol" feature, so that it will use active file source tree and symbols when scope is set to active file.
    Please give us some time to implement these changes.

    AE AE
    Alex Eg (DevExpress) 8 years ago

      Hi Brad,
      We have researched this case in detail and need more time to deliver a solid fix for the issue. We will definitely continue working on it and update the status of the ticket once we have results. Thank you for your patience.

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