Ticket T441950
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Why is .cr folder created in the root of my source code

created 8 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T441666: Issues with CodeRush for Roslyn]
I have the following issues / questions / requests.  Sorry if they've already been asked; it's basically impossible to determine what keywords to search by.

* Why is .cr folder in the root of my source?  Why not put that file in your settings dir?  I have to pollute the team's .ignore file.


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 8 years ago


The ".cr" folder contains solution specific settings and it is best to store these settings with the solution.
In fact VisualStudio uses the same approach with the ".vs" folder created inside solution directory.

    Show previous comments (1)
    DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago


      In CodeRush for Roslyn, we reconsidered many decisions that were taken in CodeRush Classic and decided that solution-specific settings should be stored within the solution but not decoupled from the source somewhere else. Moreover, many tools stick to this approach.

      R R
      #Real Brad Wood 8 years ago

        Well, the classic approach worked correctly.  Now, every time I switch branches I lose my bookmarks because I was forced to add an entry to .gitignore.  Classic retained them just fine.

        DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago


          I was able to reproduce the issue with bookmarks, and it is not related to the .cr folder and source control. It appears that bookmarks state is not restored when a solution is reopened.
          I have created a separate ticket for this issue: Bookmarks state is not saved when a solution is closed. Please use it for our further correspondence.

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