Ticket T441666
Visible to All Users

Issues with CodeRush for Roslyn

created 8 years ago (modified 8 years ago)

I have the following issues / questions / requests.  Sorry if they've already been asked; it's basically impossible to determine what keywords to search by.

* Ctrl alt v in classic pastes over the word the caret is above:  Ugh, used this constantly.  Can't see a way to accomplish…

* Remove unnecessary namespace ("simplify namespace") - won't do all in current class:  request addition of this feature.

* Classic has alt home to add selection marker (with shift-escape to overwrite marker):  request addition of this feature.

* Why is .cr folder in the root of my source?  Why not put that file in your settings dir?  I have to pollute the team's .ignore file.

* "Jump to symbol" (using local file only) is at least 10X slower than classic.  Must be processing entire solution (huge) even though I have set it to include only items in the current file.

* Widen scope: can't promote local method variable a class field:  request addition of this feature; use frequently.

* If you stop debugging (shift F5) while sitting at breakpoint with "Debug Visualizer" turned on, the spaces that are created to visualize values remain and then things get weird; must close and reopen the file.  Unfortunately, not always reproducible.


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