Ticket T437813
Visible to All Users

How to specify what DetailView is shown by the Open Related Record action execute or ctrl shift key combination click

created 8 years ago


I'm trying to achieve something which I thought that  T296003 addressed.

"Starting with version 15.1.8, you can easily specify a custom DetailView for ObjectPropertyEditor via the Model Editor at the DetailView | Items or ListView | Columns node levels in the Application Model:"

What I'm trying to achieve is that when I ctrl shift click on a field in a LV that it shows a specific detailview  for the clicked object.

So, using the main demo as an example, in the model I clone and customise a view from Position_DetailView as Position_DetailView_Copy.

Then on the Contact_ListView I try and set this as the View under the column "Position" . The drop down for View is limited to list views though. If I change the property editor to a DetailPropertyEditor, I can then choose a detail view - but ctrl clicking on the list view field still appears to be using the default detail view for position.

Have I misunderstood what this change should achieve ?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 8 years ago (modified 8 years ago)

Hello Chris,

Changes described in these tickets are applied only to the ObjectPropertyEditor. To change the DetailView shown when the Ctrl+Shift+Click combination is used or the Open Related Record action is executed, use the OpenObjectController.CustomOpenObject event. Here is an example:

using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using MainDemo.Module.BusinessObjects; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.SystemModule; namespace MainDemo.Module.Win { public class WinViewController1 : ViewController { OpenObjectController openObjectController; protected override void OnActivated() { base.OnActivated(); openObjectController = Frame.GetController<OpenObjectController>(); if (openObjectController != null) { openObjectController.CustomOpenObject += WinViewController1_CustomOpenObject; } } void WinViewController1_CustomOpenObject(object sender, CustomOpenObjectEventArgs e) { if (e.ObjectToOpen is Department) { e.Handled = true; IObjectSpace objectSpace = Application.CreateObjectSpace(e.ObjectToOpen.GetType()); e.InnerArgs.ShowViewParameters.CreatedView = Application.CreateDetailView(objectSpace, "Department_DetailView_Copy", true, objectSpace.GetObject(e.ObjectToOpen)); } } protected override void OnDeactivated() { base.OnDeactivated(); if (openObjectController != null) { openObjectController.CustomOpenObject -= WinViewController1_CustomOpenObject; openObjectController = null; } } } }

Refer to the Customize Controllers and Actions topic for additional information.

    Show previous comments (9)
    Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 8 years ago

      You're always welcome here, Chris

      CR CR
      Chris Royle (LOBS) 8 years ago

        The simple solution worked for me, thanks Dennis.

        Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 8 years ago

          Anytime, Chris

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