Ticket T435929
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Enhance "Jump to: References"

created 8 years ago (modified 8 years ago)

Currently the dialog popup showing references presents only the name of symbol that we are looking for and a name of a file where it's located.

It would be much more helpful if a line of code containing that symbol would be presented there like in References dialog or at least a name of the caller, e.g. [ClassName].[SymbolNameWhichCallsTheReference]

Also the filtering option should narrow down available locations, in other words the search should filter out the files, not the name of the symbol that we are looking for (it's useless).  Searching over names of symbols would make sens if you put there name of the caller as requested above.

Additional nice thing to have would be an option to switch from the popup to standard References dialog. That might be useful if there are plenty of references.

Show previous comments (1)
Arkadiusz Paliński 8 years ago

    Indeed, I missed "Display data in a separate window option". Thanks for that. One minor issue is that "Show parenting … " options are selected then. See the screenshot

    AP AP
    Arkadiusz Paliński 8 years ago

      I meant that they _aren't_ selected

      DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago


        To process your last post more efficiently, I've created a separate ticket on your behalf: References - Save current grouping on importing results of the 'Jump to References' provider. Please let's continue our discussion there.

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