Ticket T424467
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"Widen scope (promote to field)" not available?

created 8 years ago

CodeRush Classic used to have two "Widen scope" refactorings: one that worked locally within the given method and another that moved a local inside a method out to a field inside the class.
The former is part of CRR, but I cannot seem to get the later to work.

Is this refactoring not yet available with CRR (knowing that CRR is still relatively young compared to Classic), or is it perhaps broken in the current build?

Removing the local declaration and using "Declare Field" works, but that leaves the assignment where it is…actually, so does Classic "Widen scope (promote to field)", which I was fairly sure that it would also move the assignment with it (if there were no other local dependencies).

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 8 years ago (modified 8 years ago)

Hi Emanuel,
We have published version 16.2.3. It contains the "Widen Scope (promote to field)" action (see the screencast). You can download it from the Visual Studio marketplace:

    Comments (1)
    EW EW
    Emanuel Wlaschitz 8 years ago


      created 8 years ago (modified 8 years ago)

      Hi Emanuel,
      Thank you for contacting our support team.
      Though the Widen Scope (promote to field) refactoring has not been ported to CodeRush for Roslyn yet, we are planning to introduce this functionality in one of our future releases.

        Comments (2)
        EW EW
        Emanuel Wlaschitz 8 years ago

          Alright, thanks for letting me know!

          DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

            You are welcome.

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