Ticket T419779
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CodeRush for Roslyn switch code template does not seem to generate cases for enums

created 9 years ago

If I start with a function like
void DoStuffWith(System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat value)


and want to different things depending on the value passed in, I might put my cursor on the blank line and type:


If I do this with CodeRush's switch templates disabled, I get this expansion:
switch (value)
    case System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Indexed:
    case System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Gdi:
    case System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Alpha:
// … Eliding remaining enum values for brevity.

If I do this with CodeRush's switch code templates enabled, I get this expansion instead:
switch (value)
    case 0:


I see that CodeRush for Roslyn has three switch code templates, and one of them has an "HasEnum" tag in in. How do I get that template selected for enums?

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago

Hi Dale,
CodeRush templates work differently than Visual Studio snippets.With CodeRush, you need to copy the variable/parameter name you want to use in the 'sw' template into the clipboard first. If the clipboard contains a valid enum value, you will get expansion of the switch construction with all possible case statements. Please see the video:

    Comments (2)

      That's completely backwards. I shouldn't have type the condition I'm testing and then stuff it on the clipboard before I type switch.

      That design failure aside, it's still not working correctly. Given this code:

      enum ExternalCommunicationLicense { None, Development, Staging, Production }
      static class LicenseCheck {
          public static ExternalCommunicationLicense GetExternalCommuncationLicense() { /* Implementation irrelevant*/ }
      class TestClass
          void Method()

      Put "LicenseCheck.GetExternalCommuncationLicense()" on the clipboard and then press tab after sw above. When I try this, I still get the non-enum switch expansion.

      With Visual Studio's expansions, I get the expected enum-form expansion after typing or pasting the function call.

      AE AE
      Alex Eg (DevExpress) 8 years ago


        I've created a separate ticket on your behalf (Templates - The 'sw' template doesn't work correctly on being used with the method call argument). It has been placed in our processing queue and will be answered shortly.

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