Ticket T413730
Visible to All Users

Missing Shortcut for the new "Jump To Everything" in "CodeRush for Roslyn"

created 9 years ago


if there is no shortcut for the "Jump To Everything" function?


Comments (3)
DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

    Hi Alexander,
    CodeRush for Roslyn does not contain the shortcut for the "Jump To Everything" function.
    We will add it in the nearest update.

    You can also bind your own keyboard shortcut to this action, or rebind the existing "Ctrl+Shift+Q" (Jump To Symbol) shortcut.
    Use the following steps if you want to rebind the "Ctrl+Shift+Q" shortcut:
    - Select the "CodeRush\Shortcuts…" menu item.
    - Select "Ctrl+Shift+Q" in the "Navigation" folder
    - Enter JumpTo in the command text box
    - Enter JumpToEverything in the parameters text box

    Here is an image illustrating how you can do this.

    Please contact us in case of any questions. We'll be glad to be of help.

      Note that there is also a mispelt command  'JumpToEverething' in the Command list

      DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

        Hello Dave,

        I've created a separate ticket on your behalf (T450875: Misspelled command "JumpToEverything" name in Command list). It has been placed in our processing queue and will be answered shortly.

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