Ticket T409930
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How to support the ImmediatePostData attribute in a custom PropertyEditor

created 9 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T404423: ASPxTextBox - How to dynamically change the currency mask based on the selected culture]
Thanks for your assistance so far, Lex.

I found that ImmediatePostData is not working when this property editor is used. So I called WriteValue method in TextChangedEvent. And TextChangedEvent was  fired only after setting AutoPostBack to true. After these changes, every time i change the amount, i get a dialogue 'Leave/Stay' when the page is being refreshed. Is there a way for avoiding this dialogue? Or the changes that I have done is it correct to achieve immediatePostData working?

protected override WebControl CreateEditModeControlCore() { DecimalPropertyEditor = new ASPxTextBox(); DecimalPropertyEditor.AutoPostBack = true; DecimalPropertyEditor.ID = "CustomDecimalPropertyEditorWeb"; DecimalPropertyEditor.ValueChanged += DecimalProperty_ValueChanged; DecimalPropertyEditor.TextChanged += DecimalPropertyEditor_TextChanged; void DecimalPropertyEditor_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { EditValueChangedHandler(sender, e); WriteValue(); }


Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

    Hello Kanagu,

    I need additional time to research this issue. Please bear with us, I will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

    Hello Kanagu,

    Thank you for your patience.

    >> I found that ImmediatePostData is not working when this property editor is used.

    This is because your editors are inherited from the WebPropertyEditor class. I suggest that you change the base class to ASPxPropertyEditor. This editor supports the ImmediatePostData feature out of the box, and you will not need to write any additional code.

    >> every time i change the amount, i get a dialogue 'Leave/Stay' when the page is being refreshed

    Currently, automatic saving of user changes is not supported out of the box. The user has to click the Save button before refreshing the page.

      Comments (1)
      KD KD
      Kanagu Duraiswamy 9 years ago

        Thank you, Uriah. I changed the base class to ASPxPropertyEditor and it is fine now.

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