[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T404423: ASPxTextBox - How to dynamically change the currency mask based on the selected culture]
Thanks for your assistance so far, Lex.
I found that ImmediatePostData is not working when this property editor is used. So I called WriteValue method in TextChangedEvent. And TextChangedEvent was fired only after setting AutoPostBack to true. After these changes, every time i change the amount, i get a dialogue 'Leave/Stay' when the page is being refreshed. Is there a way for avoiding this dialogue? Or the changes that I have done is it correct to achieve immediatePostData working?
C#protected override WebControl CreateEditModeControlCore() {
DecimalPropertyEditor = new ASPxTextBox();
DecimalPropertyEditor.AutoPostBack = true;
DecimalPropertyEditor.ID = "CustomDecimalPropertyEditorWeb";
DecimalPropertyEditor.ValueChanged += DecimalProperty_ValueChanged;
DecimalPropertyEditor.TextChanged += DecimalPropertyEditor_TextChanged;
void DecimalPropertyEditor_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
EditValueChangedHandler(sender, e);
Hello Kanagu,
I need additional time to research this issue. Please bear with us, I will get back to you as soon as possible.