Ticket T406993
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Remove Type Qualifier availability changed

created 9 years ago

Not sure exactly when it happened, but it was quite recently. Also not sure if this is a coderush change, or coderush reacting to something in my code. Take the example below

Visual Basic
Namespace Invoicing.Agreements Public Class ServiceGroupController Inherits Base.BaseController Private WithEvents _view As PeelPorts.DependencyInjection.Views.IView Public Sub New(context As Context.ISaturnContext, view As PeelPorts.DependencyInjection.Views.IView) MyBase.New(context, view) _view = view End Sub Public Function Init() As Invoicing.Agreements.ServiceGroupController Return Me End Function Public Overrides Sub Run() MyBase.Run() End Sub End Class End Namespace

This is generated by a custom item template in visual studio. Typically as soon as I create an item with this template, I move it to the relevant namespace (already done in the example above) then I replace the base view type in the definition of _view with the actual view interface. In the example above, this became:

Private WithEvents _view As ViewInterfaces.Invoicing.Agreements.IServiceGroupingViewWith my cursor on the type definition I'd then invoke the refactoring menu and select the remove type qualifier refactoring. This no longer works (I'm not presented with that option any more). Even if I manually import the namespace, at which point coderush sees what I've done and greys out the namespace in the declaration, it still doesn't offer me the refactoring.

It seems to be related to the assembly in which the interface is defined. I can select interfaces defined in any of the other assemblies in the solution and it works perfectly. I've examined working and non working expressions in the source tree window but can't see any relevant differences. Can you think of anything that might affect an entire assembly to cause this behaviour?


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Kevin O'Donovan 9 years ago

    Hi Eugene,
    Sorry, this is probably quite a confusing thread. The logs were requested to deal with the original issue, that the "Remove Type Qualifier" refactoring was not being offered using original coderush in a number of instances in one of our projects. The thread has meandered a bit since then, but that's what I'm responding too in my last message.

    DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

      Hi Kevin,
      Thank you for the clarification, I understand you.
      Please contact us in case of further questions.

      DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

        Hello Kevin,We implemented the Move Type to Namespace refactoring. It is included in our latest 16.2.5 update. You are welcome to try it.

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