Ticket T371950
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Porting the "Create Case Blocks from Enum" provider from CodeRush Classic

created 9 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T371823: Coderush for Roslyn - String.Format refactoring incorrectly]

2nd question. When can I expect the enum expansion in switch case that was available in the classic version to be ported to Roslyn… One of the refactorings I miss the most .

Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

    Hi Senthil,

    We have not ported the "Create Case Blocks from Enum" provider to CodeRush for Roslyn yet, and I cannot guarantee that we will be able to implement this capability prior to the CodeRush for Roslyn release (which is planned for Q2 this year).
    However, we will take into account your request and consider the possibility to port it in future releases.
    We will notify you as soon as we make any progress.

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