[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T353459: Slow motion typing after couple of hours of usage]
On a side note, I no longer can't see the blogs (link between Cart and Search) or following URL:
Noticed since some days ago. Where can I report such matter?
Regarding the Blogs link, I tested in Chrome and Edge, both work as usual but it doesn't work in Firefox 45.0 in any of my 3 computers. I've attached the error image.
Hi David,
Thank you for your message.
I tried to reproduce the issue on several machines with FireFox 45.0, and was able to see the content of the https://community.devexpress.com/blogs/ page. Would you please check if the browser's console shows any errors? Review the Web Console - Firefox Developer Tools | MDN article to learn how to show the console.
Please keep me posted.
I tracked down the problem and is related to my account.
When I clear the cookies, the information about my login is cleared and hence the blogs are displayed. But as soon as I login to reply to the tickets I no longer can see the blogs.
Hi David,
Thank you for the clarification. Now I see the issue. I have passed this ticket to our web developers. Once it is fixed, we will update this ticket. Thank you for your patience.
Thank you Alisher!
I'm looking forward for your update on the matter.