Hello DX,
I'm using a 3rd party logging system for my application. Currently I successfully capture both the XAF and XPO trace log in it. However I would like to use the more advanced features (category, objects and param storing, etc.) For example it can store the exception object and not just the exception text message.
I started investigating the source of DevExpress.Persistent.Base .Tracing and was really happy to find virtual LogError, and other LogXXX methods that would fit my needs. However the Tracing class is a singleton and it 'initilize' instances itself in the constructor instead of a virtual factory, so basically there's no way (that I see) to override the tracer with my descendant. Is there a way I derive Tracing and use it to log XAF tracing?
Hello Alex,
Thanks for contacting us. There a way using .NET Reflection as per Validation - Do not write validation exceptions to the application log file, but we would like to review this scenario and solution. We will get back to you once we have any results.
Hello Alex,
Would you mind making this ticket public so that it can be available for other customers?
You guys are simply the best! Thanks for the super fast implementation! @Konstantin, no problem make it public.