Ticket T353817
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New CodeRush for Roslyn 1.0.09 - 1.0.10 XAML processing is so slow that it makes it unusable

created 9 years ago

Hi guys,

The new versions of CodeRush for Roslyn (1.0.09 - 1.0.10 ) that have added the XAML features are soooooooo slow that they are unusable on large XAML template or style resource dictionaries.

It's not too bad on normal views but as soon as I switch to my resource dictionaries and start doing things it grinds to a halt.
If I try and tab to a new window it takes a couple of minutes to respond.

As soon as I disable CodeRush it returns to normal so I've had to leave it disabled.
Is there a way to disable just the XAML stuff?


PS. You don't have version 1.0.10 in the Build list above.

Show previous comments (6)
DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

    Thank you for the information. We are looking forward to your results.

    To process your inquiry in the most efficient manner, it would be helpful if you collect performance information. The best way to do this is to use the PerfView tool from Microsoft. Please install it and perform steps shown in the attached video.
    To decrease the report size, I suggest that you close all other applications before making the snapshot.

    QS QS
    Quentin Suckling 9 years ago

      It is definitely Coderush causing the issue.
      I've had it disabled for a week now and it hasn't happened at all.
      With coderush enabled it happens a few times a day and I have to kill VS and restart.

      It seem to occur after editing large XAML files and/or ctrl-tabbing to other documents (from XAML) and back again quickly.

      I've got some deadlines so I'm leaving it disabled for the next couple of weeks then I'll  enable it and try and get some performance data for you


      DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

        Thank you for your cooperation. We are still working to enhance the performance on our side and will inform you about our progress. Yet we greatly hope to get additional information from you. Feel free to contact us at your convenience.

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        Confidential Information: Developer Express Inc does not wish to receive, will not act to procure, nor will it solicit, confidential or proprietary materials and information from you through the DevExpress Support Center or its web properties. Any and all materials or information divulged during chats, email communications, online discussions, Support Center tickets, or made available to Developer Express Inc in any manner will be deemed NOT to be confidential by Developer Express Inc. Please refer to the DevExpress.com Website Terms of Use for more information in this regard.