Filling a ticket here to help improve the product instead of just having the review in Visual Studio Extensions.
Previous versions were smooth but with latest update (v1.0.9 and v1.0.10) Visual Studio IDE gets very slow when typing (you type and it starts to display letter by letter in a more or less 1 sec delay) after a couple of hours of coding.
I noticed it happens in certain files and not in everyone. And only in cs files. Ex. Slow in DetailsViewModel.cs and not in MasterViewModel.cs
Closing and reopening the file doesn't do a difference, you have to restart VS. Disabling the Extension or installing v1.0.8 and everything works wonders for hours.
A shame since the XAML features was something I was expecting since day one.
Features enabled:
- Debug Visualizer
- IntelliRush
- Member Icons
- Selection Expand/Reduce
- Show Color
- Structural Highlighting
- Tab to Next Reference
- Templates
Btw, XAML Show Color didn't work in 1.0.10. I had to disable Show Color and enable it back.
We are concerned to hear that you are having a performance problem with our product. It would be great if you collect performance information. The best way to do it is to use the PerfView tool from Microsoft. Please install it and perform the steps shown in the attached video.
As for Show Color in XAML files, I have reproduced the issue when a color line is not shown when a xaml file is opened, but the color line appears again if you edit this file. I have created a separate ticket for this problem:
Show Color is not working for a newly opened XAML file if this file does not have any changes
I'm looking forward to your reply.
Do I have to collect from the bigging or just when the issue shows up?
Because it could take 2 or even 3 hours for it to reproduce.
Regarding the Show Color in XAML files I'm glad to know the issue was reproduced so it can be fixed in a further release.
Waiting for your reply…
You can work as usually until the problem cannot be reproduced. Then collect profiles for 15 seconds as described in the video attached above.
I'm looking forward to your response.
Is there a way I can collect a smaller data?
I collected less than 30 seconds and is above 400MB…
Sure. You can close all other applications, because information in PerfView is collected from all systems but not only from the current process.
I suggest you upload the log files to our ftp. Use the following credentials:
Thanks for the reply Andrew.
I will look into closing background processes since I only had VS open when I collected the data.
Btw, I noticed that when the slowdown happens VS memory usage jumps quite a lot. A bit more than 1GB of RAM (from 437MB to 1,440MB). Could that be also the cause that the data collected is bigger?
The use of a large amount of memory in this case may be the result but not the cause of the problem itself. To resolve the problem, we must determine its cause first. We highly appreciate your cooperation.
I ended some background processes and this time I got nearly 900MB of collected data. It's still a lot of data to upload with my poor upload speed. VS was using around 1.9GB RAM this time when I ran PerfView.
Btw, I also got some error messages, happened when I kept working in VS when the slowdown happens. All errors related to CodeRush. I've attached ActivityLog.xml. Maybe one of the errors listed in there is the cause of the memory leak and hence the slowdown.
On a side note, I no longer can't see the blogs (link between Cart and Search) or following URL:">
Noticed since some days ago. Where can I report such matter?
Btw, can I help testing with the custom builds that is mentioned here under my review in Reviews tab?
Having custom builds with features turned off may speed up the tracking of the issue.">
Thank you for the provided log file. Having checked it, I found that our new XAML features throw many exceptions. We have already faced a similar issue with the slowdown in XAML. In this ticket, I have prepared a build when XAML features are turned off. Please try installing this build and let me know your results:
New CodeRush for Roslyn 1.0.09 - 1.0.10 XAML processing is so slow that it makes it unusable
As for the blogs link, I tried to get the same result with signed in account and without but my attempt was unsuccessful. Please specify the browser and its version you are using.
I've downloaded the custom build, will test and report back.
Regarding the Blogs link, I tested in Chrome and Edge, both work as usual but it doesn't work in Firefox 45.0 in any of my 3 computers. I've attached the error image.
Thank you for the clarification. I have created a new ticket to discuss this problem further:
The Blogs link is not shown in FireFox 45.0
And I am looking forward to your results with the first issue.
Hello Andrew,
I've been working normally using the custom build and haven't experienced the slowdown issue I mentioned.
So, it seems the issue was only with the new XAML feature that was introduced.
Hi David,
Thank you for this information. We are working to determine cause of this problem. We will report about our process. We greatly appreciate your cooperation and help in checking a daily build when it is ready.
Hi David,
Thank you for your patience. Good news is that we have found and fixed several issues. In particular, changes have been made to the structural highlighting, searching for declarations in XAML files along with general changes to improve the performance in XAML files. I have prepared a daily build with these changes. Please try to install it and let me know your results.