Ticket T349425
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How to disable selection checkboxes in the ASPxTreeList

ASPxTreeList - How to disable selection check boxes instead of hiding them

created 9 years ago

I want to disable some of the node's check-box based on some condition in ASPxTreelist. Is it possible to achieve now ?
I am using 15.1.7 version.


This solution doesn't work for me I mean after applying this solution the checkbox looks like disabled but functioning same as before .

Please note: I don't want to hide the checkbox i want to disable so that user can't change the selection.

Thank You in advance.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

The approach implemented in the E2011 example has no effect starting with v.11.1, since the Three-state checkbox feature was introduced. We created a report about this limitation T327780: ASPxTreeList - It is impossible to disable a selection check box and currently, it's possible to achieve this task using the undocumented API.
I've attached a sample demonstrating the approach suggested in the T326091: How to disable selection checkboxes in the ASPxTreeList thread.

    Show previous comments (1)
    SC SC
    Sanjay Choudhary 1 9 years ago


      Nastya (DevExpress Support) 9 years ago

        It seems that the issue may occur because the collection of nodes to be disabled contains invisible nodes. I've modified the client-side code, so that it also checks whether a node to be disable is visible on a page. Please review the attached sample and let me know if the issue persists.

        SC SC
        Sanjay Choudhary 1 9 years ago

          Perfect :)

          Thanks a lot for your time and help.

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