Bug Report T344979
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The .dx-theme and .dx-color-scheme styles are added to the body tag if dashboard is loaded on callback

created 9 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T324871: AspxDashboardViewer issue with an appended CSS class]
Here you are.

Go to the web page (I'm in IE 11 but the browser probably doesn't matter)
Press F12 to open your Developer Tools window
In the DOM Explorer Window you'll notice Body tag is empty
C lick Fake Dashboard 1. It will take a second and you will get Dashboard was not found. Now this step didn't change Body.
Click Fake Dashboard 2. Bam. You'll notice that a class has been added to the Body and the fonts change etc.

PS. The same steps work in Chrome v48 when viewing the Elements tab

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 9 years ago (modified 9 years ago)

Hello Rick,
We appreciate your patience.
To fix the issue, you use the following code inside the '<dx:ASPxDashboardViewer … >' tag:

ClientSideEvents-Init="function(s,e) { // v15.2 DevExpress.require('/ui/ui.themes').detachCssClasses(DevExpress.viewPort()); // v15.1 // DevExpress.ui.themes.detachCssClasses(DevExpress.viewPort()); }"

Please try this solution and let me know whether or not it meets your requirements.
As for providing the required behavior in the current releases out-of-the-box, for now we cannot do this due to a lot of critical changes. For this reason, we will fix the issue in the next v16.1 release.
Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.

    Comments (3)

      That pretty much works. I get a slight flicker back to the smaller font when selecting a Dashboard to load but the end result is that the Menu winds up in the proper color and size. Crossing my fingers that 16.1 eliminates the flicker part. Thank you.

      DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

        Thank you for the update. It is good news that the main problem has been resolved. We will do our best to fix this flickering in v16.1.
        Feel free to contact us if you have any further difficulties.

          That helped me too!Thank you very much.

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